Wednesday, September 7, 2011

16 Things You Should Know About A Runner...

  1. That running in the morning is not a bad thing.
  2. Your best running shoe is the one you just threw out.
  3. Your favorite running shoe will be discontinued.
  4. Spitting happens even when you don't want it to.
  5. No matter how much antiperspirant you put on...You are still sweating.
  6. 90 degree weather is just another day.
  7. It's hard to say, 'Hi' when you're in the midst of a breathing overload.
  8. Yes those are bites on your ankles from the dogs.
  9. Bikers tend to go faster and joggers tend to go slower,  "Move over because I'm not sure what way you're going!"
  10. You have an ache in you thigh, a sore toe jamming the inside of your shoe and only one more mile.
  11. You know you forgot your garmin!
  12. You're going too slow...Speed Up-Speed Up!
  13. This is your race, you think...
  14. Focus, focus and more focus.
  15. It's your long run day, "I'll see you tonight..."
  16. Where's the shower?

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